Scattered Feathers Collection

Memoirs and personal stories.

Jody Cairns Hart’s
by Jody Cairns Hart

By Dianne Pollarino
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Narrative fiction.
My cousin is a thief. I know that is not a nice thing to say about a relative, especially a close relative like my Aunt Vivien’s only son. I am Italian and we just don’t say bad things about family. Unfortunately, the truth is, my cousin Danny Mariano was a thief.
I don’t mean, an occasional thief, one who steals ever so often. Nor do I mean an opportunistic thief, one who steals when a chance situation presents itself. No, I mean a perpetual, life-long, unrepentant thief, one who steals from everyone, all the time.
He could have been so much more. He was tall, strong, extremely good looking, smart, and very likable. But, he was a thief. It damaged him and nearly destroyed our family.
One episode

As a four-year-old, every afternoon he would help his grandfather to feed the rabbits. When the man with the big truck would come and take some, He thought the rabbits went away to some happy place to be with their friends. Only later, he learned the truth.
A 91-second story
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Humming Birds

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Biscuits & Gravy