City of 4,000 Spies
a continuing series of audio stories

~ Listen to the Audio Story ~
“Luscious Lell by the ever-lovely Lake . . . . Satisfying your every pleasure is our only business.”
“Within the world of espionage, they often call it a “honeytrap.” A sweet opportunity to trap an individual, to compromise them, to procure information, to elicit on-going cooperation. The enticements often include sex, drugs, special status, and money. Once an individual falls into the honeytrap, they are particularly vulnerable to blackmail, extortion, and exploitation.
In the posh international, resort city of Lell, which hosts guests from a million different sectors, there were many such “honeytraps.” However, there was one of singular brilliance, one that featured opulence beyond imagination, one with its own unique crystalline pavilion displaying unparalleled views of the magnificent Lake of Many Colors. Where only individuals of the greatest significance were personally invited. The Événement de la soirée — hosted by the Noblewoman, Bronwynne de Soluxe, the cousin of Noble Son Dusko Rarrko, the Second Son of the 19th Great Nobleman of Sassko.
Like the other “honeytraps,” Noblewoman Bronwynne staffed her pavilion with Koopsie girls, artificial creations of exquisite beauty, whose sole purpose was to bring pleasure. But, unlike many of the others, she also added Koopsie boys (for those who were so inclined).
“Guests are arriving for an evening of pleasure at the Crystalline Pavilion, operated by the Noble Lady Bronwynne of Sassko. Her Principal Mozhino, Ariana Jo Lynn, warmly greets the invited guests as they arrive.”
Principal Mozhno:
“Noble Lady, Bronwynne. We have just been joined by a high-ranking military official from the Empire Sha Yot.”
“Show me on the monitors. Yes. He is from the Emperor’s Supreme Military Council. I do not recognize the rank. PNB7Q please identify this individual.”
“That is Supreme Vice Commander for Infantry Operations, Jozan Bat Betulzum. He is the third highest ranking member of the Emperor’s Supreme Military Council.”
“Do we have any intelligence data on him?”
“Negative. We only know what is publicly available. No personal data is obtainable.”
“Then, why has he come here. Surely his intelligence professionals have warned him about what kind of operation our pavilion is.”
Principal Mozhno:
“Noble Lady, we have an answer to your query. He has gone down to the arena where he has placed a large wager on one of the mortal-battle bouts.”
“So, he appears to be a gambler. I am herewith ordering all agents to stay away from the Supreme Vice Commander. Do no approach. Do not elicit contact. Stay back. We will watch.”
“Noble Son. I am sorry to awaken you. But I have terrible news.”
“I am now fully awake. Please continue.”
“The Empire Sha Yot has issued an evocation of war against Sassko.”
“What? How could that be?”
“It is in response to the murder of Supreme Vice Commander for Infantry Operations, Jozan Bat Betulzum.”
“To my knowledge, we have never had any contact with him. He is one of the old guard warriors who disavows all contact with foreigners.”
“Nevertheless, he was murdered in the Crystalline Pavilion that Noble Lady Bronwynne operates.”
“PNB7Q, this is most puzzling. I spoke with Bronwynne earlier this evening, and everything was nominal. No mention of a high-ranking military officer from the Empire Sha Yot. Please contact my cousin.”
“Unfortunately, I cannot. She has been arrested by the local police.”
“I need to get there as soon as possible. Please arrange emergency transportation, highest level clearance. And, awaken my father. Tell him that we are about to go to war.
“Unfortunately, he has already been informed by the Principal Ambassador from the Empire Sha Yot.”
Special thanks to Michael Brandt, without whose invaluable assistance this audio story would not have been possible.