The Near & Far Collection
Stories of fantasy.
Special Monkey Magic
Special Monkey Magic
Featuring Jiminy, the Organ Grinder’s Monkey and the Carousel Cartoon Company of Chicago
In October 1934, during the very worst of the Great Depression, Jiminy, the ever-inquisitive, always impulsive, and incredibly funny Organ Grinder’s monkey died.
He died because the company that his three creators had founded to give Jiminy fun things to get into had failed. The Carousel Cartoon Company of Chicago was no more.
To say that a cartoon character died may not be accurate. To die means that you once were alive. Some would argue that Jiminy was just some India ink lines on a sheet of transparent celluloid. He did not have blood or lungs or a heart. He only did what his animators made him do. He had no will of his own. Alec, Hugh, and Charles would strongly disagree. Jiminy may have not had a heart or lungs or blood, but Jiminy most definitely had a will of his own. He had strong opinions, strong preferences, and equally intense dislikes.

Seven Witches
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