Moral Obligations
Moral Obligations
It had been days since either of them had eaten. They were the pioneers sent out by the colony to find the resources the colony needed to survive. They had crossed the vast emptiness and now were in the deep labyrinth where passage was slow.
The smaller one wasted their time talking about philosophical issues, particularly moral dilemmas. “Did you know, “he pondered, “for the price of a special, iced coffee latte in an upscale coffee shop, you could pay for the cataract surgery for someone in the less developed world?”
“So?” said the older, larger one who was missing an eye from a long-ago fight.
“It is a moral dilemma. Buy a spiced, iced coffee latte or pay for an eye surgery.”
“What is the dilemma?” snarled the one with a single eye. “If you’ve got enough crust, buy whatever you want. It is your money.”
“Still, I think it is moral dilemma. What should we do?”
Not bothered with such nonsense, the larger one responded. “I think we need to find something to eat, soon, so we can do what we were sent to do.”