Our Contract for Writers

We are an independent Web-based publisher which works closely with the Sacramento Suburban Writers’ Club.
We webcast and publish original works of fiction submitted to us by their creative authors.
Even though our primary focus is publishing shorter works of original fiction, we welcome submissions in all genres.
However, as a non-commercial, not-for-profit publisher, we cannot pay authors royalties or other payments.
Nor do we ever charge contributing authors for our publishing activities.
Here, is the contract we use whenever an author submits a work of original fiction to us. Please review it, particularly Section 3, Conditions of Acceptance.
You can print it, and then email it back to us at appaloosa.radio3@gmail.com
Contract Between Appaloosa Radio and the Original Author of
Work of Fiction
Appaloosa Radio Productions and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Online are independent Web-based publishers who work in close collaboration with the Sacramento Suburban Writers’ Club. They webcast and publish original works of fiction submitted by their creative authors. Content is always webcast with the explicit permission of the material’s author and in the form and structure provided by them . In webcasting this material, neither Appaloosa Productions nor its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Online makes any claim of ownership and/or claim about use rights (including all copyright rights). All ownership and/or use rights remain solely with the material’s original author. At any time for any reason, an author may request the removal of their original content from the Website. Appaloosa Radio Productions must comply with the request within three working days of its receipt. We do not charge writers for publishing their original fiction, nor can we pay them royalties or other payments.
- Author Information.
With my signature, I certify that I am the original author of the material that I have submitted and that I have the full rights to submit my work of fiction to Appaloosa Radio:
My name is: | |
My email address is: | |
My signature: | |
Date of signature: |
- Work of Fiction.
Name of submission: |
- Conditions of Acceptance.
By my initials below, I accept the following conditions.
- Submission Only with Explicit Permission
Appaloosa Radio and Appaloosa Radio Productions broadcast original fiction on the Web. Content is webcast only with the explicit permission of the material’s author and solely in the form and structure provided by them. - No Claims of Ownership
In webcasting this material, no claims of ownership and/or of use rights (including all copyright rights) are made by either Appaloosa Radio Productions or its affiliate Appaloosa Radio. All ownership and/or use rights remain solely with the material’s original author. - Removal of Content by Original Author
At any time for any reason, an author may request the removal of their original content from the Website. Appaloosa Radio Productions must comply with the request within three working days of its receipt.
- No Royalty or Other Payments
Appaloosa Radio is a non-commercial, not-for-profit independent Web-based publisher working in close collaboration with the Sacramento Suburban Writers’ Club. As such, we are unable to pay writers for webcasting and/or publishing their original works of fiction.
- No Costs to Authors
Appaloosa Radio does not charge authors for webcasting of their original stories on any of its affiliated websites.
- Works of Fiction
Appaloosa Radio Productions and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Online webcast primarily works of original, literary fiction as provided by the material’s author. It is the intent of literary fiction to create a story with an engrossing plot using engaging characters within a believable context.
However, authors of literary fiction must avoid the use of any “false and unprivileged publication by writing, printing, picture, effigy, or other fixed representation to the eye, which exposes any person to hatred, contempt, ridicule or which causes them to be shunned or avoided or which has a tendency to demean them in their occupation.” (Civil Code § 45) Authors are herewith warned to avoid creating works of literary fiction that expose any person to any of the conditions listed above. It is the explicit intent of Appaloosa Radio Online and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Productions to webcast only stories that are in accord with the provisions of Civil Code § 45 .
- Privacy Notifications
No personal or private information will be collected or retained by this Website. There are no “cookies” or other data-gathering devices.
- Terms of Use
This site is designed for the personal use of its viewers and listeners. However, its contents may be shared within clubs, study groups, classrooms, or discussion forums. No charge is made for such uses.
- Limitations on Content
Appaloosa Radio Productions and its affiliate Appaloosa Radio Online will not webcast obscene or sexually explicit content. Writers are strongly encouraged to avoid offensive language or excessive profanity.
I accept the conditions stipulated above. ___________ (initials)
- Acceptance by Appaloosa Radio.
By the signature below, Appaloosa Radio accepts the work of fiction for webcasting on its sites.
Name | |
Title | |
Email address | |
Signature | |
Date |