Story Collections
We have organized our stories into various collections.

Broken Tree Tales
A collection of Nell Trustmon’s Western stories exploring now forgotten ghost towns and the personalities who lived there.
A collection of stories exemplifying courage, honor, duty, and sacrifice.
Near and Far
A collection of stories from the realms of fantasy.
Humor Me!
A collection of original stories sharing some humor.

A collection of audio stories emerging from the culture and the people of the American South.

The Carousel Collection
A collection of stories featuring the wonder and magic of childhood.

A collection of original science fiction stories.
The Lotus Collection
The Lotus Collection features stories contemplating lingering philosophical and ethical issues.
Stories from the anthalogies of the Sacramento Suburban Writers Club

Enjoy a very short audio story — always less than five mintes.

Jonas Chartogaro, a retired government polygraph examiner, interviews spies of the 1940s and 1950s to uncover truth and to detect lies.
The Swirls Collection includes stories about relationships, love, and the complexities of living with others.

The Edith M. Patch Collection
Edith Patch was a consummate naturalist with the voice of a poet whose work resonates particularly well with the ethos of our own time.
As Crows Come is a collection of original stories of mystery and suspense.
Bus Stop Collection
Contemporary urban stories.
Personal stories connecting times, people, and experiences.
Midnight Clouds
Stories of Horror

Under construction

Scattered Feathers
A collection of personal memoirs.
Cowboy Motel
Stories drawn from the American West.
City of 4,000 Spies
Featuring Noble Son, Dusko Rarrko, the Director of Clandestine Operations for the Dominion of Sassko in the Epsilon-B Quadrant.
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